![]() Do wynajęcia apartament o powierzchni 75 m2 na I piętrze apartamentowca przy ul Mickiewicza w Szczecinie . Mieszkanie składa się z dużego salonu z balkonem ,kuchni ,sypialni , dużej łazienki i bardzo przestronnego korytarza.
Mieszkanie jest częściowo umeblowane ( sofa, szafy w zabudowie, komody), a kuchnia i łazienka w pełni wyposażone. Do mieszkania przynależy miejsce postojowe w garażu podziemnym ( dodatkowa opłata do uzgodnienia) Budynek jest bardzo komfortowy i zlokalizowany w w prestiżowej dzielnicy , na Pogodnie, skąd jest świetny dojazd we wszystkie kierunki miasta. Kilka linii tramwajowych i autobusowych Niedaleko mamy Ryneczek Pogodno, różne usługi, w tym różnego rodzaju centra medyczne czy kancelarie . Niedaleko do Las Arkoński , Stadion Pogoni , Netto Arena z placami zabaw, Uniwersytet . Koszty najmu: cena najmu do wynajmującego: 3500,- czynsz do Wspólnoty wliczony w cenę najmu ! Tv i Internet 100zł Dodatkwe opłaty : SEC i prąd wg zużycia English vers.: For rent an apartment with an area of 75 m2 on the first floor of an apartment building at Mickiewicza Street in Szczecin. The apartment consists of a large living room with a balcony, kitchen, bedroom, large bathroom and a very spacious corridor. The apartment is partially furnished (sofa, built-in wardrobes, chests of drawers), and the kitchen and bathroom are fully equipped. The apartment includes a parking space in the underground garage (additional fee to be agreed) The building is very comfortable and located in a prestigious district, on Pogodno, from where there is great access to all directions of the city. Several tram and bus lines Nearby we have the Pogodno Market, various services, including various types of medical centers and offices. Nearby to the Arkoński Forest, Pogoń Stadium, Netto Arena with playgrounds, University. Rental costs: rental price to landlord: 3500,- Community fee included in the rental price! TV and Internet 100 PLN Additional charges: SEC and electricity based on consumption English version: For rent an apartment with an area of 75 m2 on the first floor of an apartment building at Mickiewicza Street in Szczecin. The apartment consists of a large living room with a balcony, kitchen, bedroom, large bathroom and a very spacious corridor. The apartment is partially furnished (sofa, built-in wardrobes, chests of drawers), and the kitchen and bathroom are fully equipped. The apartment includes a parking space in the underground garage (additional fee to be agreed) The building is very comfortable and located in a prestigious district, on Pogodno, from where there is great access to all directions of the city. Several tram and bus lines Nearby we have the Pogodno Market, various services, including various types of medical centers and offices. Nearby to the Arkoński Forest, Pogoń Stadium, Netto Arena with playgrounds, University. Rental costs: rent to landlord: 3500,- Community fee included in the rental price! TV and Internet 100 PLN Additional charges: SEC and electricity based on consumption KUPUJEMY NIERUCHOMOŚCI ZA GOTÓWKĘ w Szczecinie oraz nad morzem, również zadłużone: mieszkania, domy, działki - płacimy natychmiast Powyższe ogłoszenie ma wyłącznie charakter informacyjny. Nie stanowi ono oferty w myśl art. 66 i n. ustawy z dnia 23.04.1964r. Kodeks cywilny (Dz.U. 1964r. Nr 16, poz. 93, ze zm.). |